Governor Rhoden sign six ag bills into law on National Agriculture Day


PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release) – On Tuesday, Governor Larry Rhoden signed six agriculture bills in honor of National Agriculture Day.

“Ag is King in South Dakota, and as a lifelong West River Rancher, I am deeply committed to ensuring that it thrives,” said Governor Larry Rhoden. “These bills are an important show of support for the farmers, rancher, and producers who work hard to feed our communities. As long as I am Governor, I will keep South Dakota ag Open for Opportunity!”

Governor Rhoden signed the following six bills into law:

  • SB 14 revises and repeals provisions related to agricultural production facilities and provides a penalty therefor;
  • SB 120 updates the membership of the Animal Industry Board to include a poultry producer;
  • HB 1021 modifies the annual fee for concentrated animal feeding operations and establishes an application fee;
  • HB 1083 modifies the requirements for obtaining an agricultural processor’s lien;
  • HB 1116 repeals a reporting requirement regarding industrial hemp; and
  • HB 1143 requires that the director of equalization adjust certain agricultural land values.

Governor Rhoden has signed 142 bills and VETOED one this legislative session.

The post Governor Rhoden sign six ag bills into law on National Agriculture Day appeared first on Hub City Radio.

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