Cimpl Meats to shut down operations in Yankton

YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- After 76 years of operation in Yankton Cimpl’s Meats has idled operations as of Monday morning.  The parent company of Cimpl, American Foods Group says the move is “due to the current unprecedented cattle cycle and long-term industry changes.”
Over 250 employees were informed American Foods Group, based and headquartered in Green Bay, Wisconsin, made the decision to idle harvest operations at the facility.  The company said that they will have personnel on-site to provide guidance and discuss relocation opportunities with employees.
Sources say that city leaders were informed of the decision to cease operations at about the same time as employees were told of their fate.
Nancy Wenande(wi-NAN-dee), the chief executive officer of Yankton Thrive, spoke about the impact this will have on the community.

Wenande says her group has been in contact with the Labor Department as well as the Governor’s Office of Economic Department.  It is unknown what plans American Foods Group has at this time as they did not respond to inquiries.

The post Cimpl Meats to shut down operations in Yankton appeared first on Hub City Radio.

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