Governor Rhoden sign Richmond Lake Dam bill into law


PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release) – On Tuesday, Governor Larry Rhoden signedHB 1080, a pro-Second Amendment bill, which voids covenants that prohibit or restrict the possession or use of firearms and ammunition.

“I am proud that South Dakota is not only the most Second Amendment-friendly state, but also the freest state in a nation that was founded on the principle of freedom,” said Governor Larry Rhoden. “As long as I am Governor, I will continue to do everything in my power to protect our Second Amendment rights and keep South Dakota strong, safe, and free.”

Governor Rhoden also signed the following 31 bills into law:

  • HB 1001 updates a reference to the Internal Revenue Code for purposes of higher education savings plans;
  • HB 1024 amends certain fees collected by the secretary of state;
  • HB 1026 makes an appropriation for the replacement of the Richmond Lake dam and spillway, for the general maintenance and repair of other state-owned dams, and declares an emergency;
  • HB 1051 updates provisions on the interim legislative oversight of administrative rulemaking;
  • HB 1067 defines the term “must;”
  • HB 1068 allows a student to wear certain military decorations at a school graduation ceremony and declares an emergency;
  • HB 1079 increases the number of off-sale licenses from two to three in municipalities and counties of one thousand or less;
  • HB 1092 makes an appropriation for a student teacher stipend grant program;
  • HB 1093 modifies the permissible dates for a school district bond election;
  • HB 1097 establishes and modifies provisions for the temporary training of nonresident physicians;
  • HB 1100 clarifies which opinions must be included in the annual judicial opinions report prepared by the Legislative Research Council;
  • HB 1129 provides for the transfer of motor vehicles and boats upon death;
  • HB 1133 amends bond requirements;
  • HB 1141 provides an exception for employers to acquire and distribute opioid antagonists that are available over the counter;
  • HB 1157 amends the maximum fee limit due when applying for a county drainage permit;
  • HB 1194 authorizes the cooperation of counties for purposes of operating an office of county director of equalization;
  • HB 1265 establishes provisions related to the sharing of information with the national marrow donor program;
  • SB 8 establishes certain criminal offenses for boat operators and provides penalties therefor;
  • SB 34 updates the roles of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Department of Public Safety regarding burning and burn permit issuing authority;
  • SB 37 revises and repeals provisions related to the 911 emergency surcharge and the 911 Coordination Board;
  • SB 44 modifies tax refunds for elderly persons and persons with a disability, makes an appropriation therefor, and declares an emergency;
  • SB 46 specifies the funds into which certain boat fees are deposited;
  • SB 52 authorizes the expansion of the South Dakota State Veterans Cemetery, makes an appropriation therefor, and declares an emergency;
  • SB 79 permits the operation of a Class I electric bicycle on the Mickelson Trail;
  • SB 99 makes an appropriation for purchasing, storing, and distributing sexual assault kits;
  • SB 123 revises provisions related to forensic medical examinations;
  • SB 140 revises a provision related to the reimbursement of expenses incurred by a county in detaining a parolee;
  • SB 154 prohibits pharmaceutical manufacturers from interfering in contracts between 340B entities and pharmacies and provides a penalty therefor;
  • SB 167 revises certain provisions pertaining to municipal government;
  • SB 170 authorizes the South Dakota State Brand Board to enter a memorandum of understanding with any Indian tribe for the investigation of cattle theft; and
  • SB 219 requires the acceptance of a cash payment for admission to a school-affiliated event.


Governor Rhoden has signed 97 bills into law this legislative session.

The post Governor Rhoden sign Richmond Lake Dam bill into law appeared first on Hub City Radio.

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