Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee offer no recommendation on HB1186


PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The South Dakota Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee heard testimony on HB1186.  The bill allow nonresident military members to purchase three-day temporary
nonresident waterfowl licenses.  Representative Christopher Reder primed this bill on the House.

Senator Michael Rohl of Aberdeen primed this bill on the Senate side.

Supporters include Nathan Sanderson, Executive Director of the South Dakota Retailers Association.

The person that brought attention to the bill was the founder of Flatland Flyers based in Hecla, Alex Russo.

Opposing the bill was George Vandell III of the South Daktoa Waterfowl Association who told the committee that they are willing to work with Flatland Flyers.

Committee tried to pass the bill.  One concern was addressed by Senator Tom Plischke(Chair of the Committee) who discuss concerns about how out of state hunters could impact hunters in South Dakota.

The committee voted 3-3 on the bill thus not passing it.  The committee did vote 4-2 to send the bill on the Senate floor with no recommendations.

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