PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Thursday, Board of Regents Schools presented their budget reports for the upcoming fiscal year to the Joint Committee on Appropriations. Among them was Northern State University.
NSU President Neal Schnoor told the committee about the mission of the school.
Schnoor runs down enrollment at NSU.
Schnoor reports on that vast majority of NSU graduates are staying within the state.
Schnoor discuss the new nursing program currently being implemented at NSU.
Vice President of Finances at NSU, Veronica Paulson update the commission on the new Business and Health Innovation Center.
Paulson was asked about building insurance costs for construction of some of the new buildings at the university.
Paulson was asked about the work they’re doing in conjunction with the South Dakota School for the Blind & Visually Impaired.
President Schnoor update on the commission on the elearning program at NSU.
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