House Education Committee defer two education bills to 41st day


PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Wednesday, the South Dakota House Education Committee heard testimony on two house bills dealing with education.

HB1009 provide for the creation and use of South Dakota educational empowerment accounts, and to provide a penalty therefor.  This primarily deals with those who choose homeschooling.

Hub1020 establish education savings accounts.

HB1009 was heard earlier in the session but was tabled to Wednesday to clarify the projected cost to the program.

The prime sponsor was Representative Dylan Jordan from Clear Lake.

Representative Melissa Heerman of Brookings request to place it on the 41st day & explains why.

The committee voted 8-7 to defer it to the 41st day effectively killing the bill.

HB1020 was heard for the first time in the committee.

Prime sponsor is the House Majority Leader Scott Odenbach from Spearfish.

Among the supporters of this bill include the Governor’s office.  Sarah Hitchcock represents that office & talks about the cost the government provide per student to public schools.

Secretary of Education Joe Graves also supports the bill.  Graves tries to convince the committee that this bill is constitutional.

Lead Administrator for Aberdeen Christian, Kiersten Sombke offer her support for the bill.  She breaks down the impact this bill would have for the school.

Among the opposition was School Board member for the Langford area, Jennifer Gustafson.

Also opposing was Dave Owen, President of the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce.

Executive Director for the South Dakota Retailers Association, Nathan Sanderson discuss  the economic impact it would have on businesses.

Following testimony, the committee had a chance to weigh in.  Among those talking about the topic is the chair of the committee, Lana Greenfield of Doland.

The Education Committee voted 9-6 to defer this to the 41st day which for now defeats the bill.

Only way the bills can be debated on the floor is if it gets smoked out and the legislators allow it to be put on the docket to debate for another day.

Also on the committee is Representative Logan Manhart of Bath.  He shared this with me to quote to the public regarding a potential smoke out of both bills.

“I figured it was a coin flip for either of them to pass, so I have no idea.  We’ll have to get some info and then will get back with me.”

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