Recap of Governor Larry Rhoden’s speech to the SD legislators


PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Tuesday, Governor Larry Rhoden delivered a speech to legislators serving in both the South Dakota House & Senate.

Governor Rhoden offered his view on some of the hot button topics being addressed the legislators.

Governor Rhoden discuss the issue of medicaid expansion.

On the issue of property rights, Rhoden discuss his stance on the issue of eminent domain.

Rhoden believes this topic will have an impact on the youth in the state.

On the issue of education, Rhoden told the legislators he is a supporter of the education savings accounts proposed by former Governor Kristi Noem.

Rhoden also told the legislators he will not be adjusting the budget proposed by Kristi Noem.

Rhoden wants to the government to be more transparent with the public and improve relations with the tribes in the state.

Rhoden indicates who he is looking for to be his Lieutendent Governor.

Governor Rhoden will announce his pick for Lt. Governor in a press conference at 10am this morning.

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