
PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release) – South Dakota once again led the nation in income growth in 2023. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, South Dakota’s Real Median Household Income grew faster than any other state. Governor Kristi Noem celebrated this excellent news.

“South Dakotans are thriving because we defend Freedom and advance their opportunities to pursue their dreams,” said Governor Kristi Noem. “Incomes are rising, and people are moving here to share in our prosperity and Freedom. I am so proud of what our great state continues to accomplish.”

According to the same Federal Reserve Bank data, South Dakota ranks second best for growth in real median household income over the past five years.

South Dakota also has the lowest unemployment rate of any state in America at 2.0%.

For more information on job opportunities in South Dakota, visit FreedomWorksHere.com.

Side Note:

According to South Dakota Searchlight:

But a little digging into the same dataset reveals South Dakota’s real median household income fell by 16% in 2022, which was the nation’s worst decline that year.

South Dakota:

2021:  Median Household Income $82, 750

2022: Median Household Income $69,850(Down 15.59%)

2023: Median Household Income $81, 740(Up 17.02%)

The post appeared first on Hub City Radio.

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