Recap of South Dakota Farmers Union Fly-in at Washington


WASHINGTON, D.C.(HubCityRadio)- This week, the South Dakota Farmers Union held their Fly-in in Washington, D.C. to address the upcoming Farm Bill being worked on by Congress.

On Monday, the group received an update from U.S Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.

Brown County farmer Kirk Schaunaman talks about what he learned from the meeting.

Clark County farmer & SDFU Board Member Gail Temple explains Secretary of Ag’s stance on the bill working its way through the U.S. House.

Schaunaman discuss what he would like to see by a part of the next Farm Bill.

Temple also commented on what she wants included in the Farm Bill.

Schaunaman was asked if Congress can address anything dealing with eminent domain which is more of a state issue.

Temple discuss the importance of ethanol and whether that can be included in the Farm Bill.

Temple believes odds are not good that the Farm Bill will be passed & signed by the President by the end of the year.

National Farmers Union Vice President Jeff Kippley of Aberdeen told Keloland, “I think the main reason we’re seeing such a great turnout this year, we just saw a 25% net income projected drop. That’s cause for concern for all farmers…,” Kippley said. “We don’t have a long-term farm bill passed, we’re still working on an extension from a year ago.”

Kippley said while advocates are hopeful a new farm bill is approved, he wouldn’t describe the mood as optimistic.

The post Recap of South Dakota Farmers Union Fly-in at Washington appeared first on Hub City Radio.

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