Senator Thune believes President Biden’s Border Crisis makes Americans less safe


WASHINGTON, D.C.(HubCityRadio)- Senator John Thune on the floor of the Senate Wednesday once again addressed the crisis at the Southern Border under President Biden’s administration.

Thune believes those examples are what has happened since President Biden has taken over since 2021.

Thune acknowledged that President Biden has finally taken action through executive orders but believes this is due to an election coming up in November.

Thune once again addressed the illegal immigrants that are the gotaways that pose the biggest threat to the country.

Thune belives even if the President’s executive orders are successful doesn’t take away what’s happened the first three years of his administration.

Almost ten million illegal immigrants have crossed the Southern Border since the start of the President’s term in office.

The post Senator Thune believes President Biden’s Border Crisis makes Americans less safe appeared first on Hub City Radio.

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