Dakota Scout’s Austin Goss discuss pipeline bills & abortion debate


ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- South Dakota Broadcasters Association & Dakota Scout’s Austin Goss appeared on the KSDN Midday Report Friday to address various topics.

One bill in our region that Senator Al Novstrup is pushing is SB32 which deals with fairgrounds still has no hearing date set yet with Senate Taxation Committee.  Crossover Day is Wednesday, February 21st.  That means all starting in their respective chambers must either pass or fail by that day.  Goss inform that the longer it takes for a bill to have a hearing date, the less likely it will probably pass.

Goss also addressed various pipeline related bills starting with the two bills that cleared the South Dakota House this week.

Goss considered those bills passed as compromised bills.

Goss discuss the role the South Dakota Ag Alliance has played so far this session.

Goss address a bill to be discussed on Monday dealing with no eminent domain for CO2 pipeline.

Goss also address SB201 that groups like the South Dakota Farmers Union are very opposed.

We moved on to the debate on abortions that was held this week.  Goss reiterate that this is concurrent resolution which means this will be the stance of the legislature on the upcoming abortion amendment.

Goss was not impressed by the testimony delivered by Dakotans for Health’s Rick Wieland whose pushing for this amendment.

Goss acknowledge that for many this is the first time they may have heard about the amendment.

Goss discuss the role South Dakota voters play in putting anything in the state’s constitution.

We also address taxes & election conventions in the interview.  You can watch on www.facebook.com/HubCityRadioNews.

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