PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release) – On Friday, Governor Larry Rhoden signed eight budget bills into law, includingSB 220, the general appropriations act for Fiscal Year 2026.
“I am proud of our state’s fiscal responsibility,” said Governor Larry Rhoden. “With the signing of these bills, I am officially passing the 136th consecutive balanced budget. Our commonsense, conservative financial decisions are essential to South Dakota’s strong economy.”
Governor Rhoden also signed the following seven bills into law:
- SB 54 revises the distribution of revenue from the cigarette tax;
- SB 55 revises property tax levies for school districts and revises the state aid to general and special education formulas;
- SB 56 authorizes the payment of lease rental obligations to the South Dakota Building Authority by the Bureau of Finance and Management, makes an appropriation therefore, and declares an emergency;
- HB 1015 increases licensure fees related to the practice of funeral service and cremation;
- HB 1036 establishes a minimum combined balance of the budget reserve fund and general revenue replacement fund;
- HB 1037 suspends the tax collection allowance credit for filing returns and remitting taxes electronically; and
- HB 1046 revises the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2025.
Governor Rhoden has signed 207 bills and VETOED two this legislative session.
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