PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release) – On Tuesday, Governor Larry Rhoden signed 20 bills to promote free and fair elections. He also VETOED one bill.
“South Dakota continues to be an example of free and fair elections. Our election system has integrity, and these bills improve our already strong system,” said Governor Larry Rhoden. “America is founded on the principle of freedom, and I am proud that we live in a nation and a state where we can choose our leaders.”
Governor Rhoden also VETOED HB 1169. He articulated the reasons for his VETO in a letter to the legislature, which you can find here. You can find a photo of him VETOING the bill here. HB1169 modify the signature requirement for a petition to initiate a constitutional amendment.
“This bill has a worthy goal: placing safeguards on the process to add constitutional amendments to the ballot in South Dakota,” wrote Governor Rhoden. “However, I am concerned that this bill will not withstand scrutiny in the courts. This bill attempts to change the South Dakota Constitution in statute, and I believe that approach to be misguided.”
The bill passed the South Dakota House on a 60-9 vote(47 votes will be needed to override the veto)
The bill passed the South Dakota Senate on a 19-15 vote(24 votes will be needed to override the veto)
Governor Rhoden signed the following 20 bills into law:
- SB 68 requires an individual be a citizen of the United States before being eligible to vote and to provides a penalty therefor;
- SB 73 requires that an individual registering as a voter when applying for a driver license be a resident of this state for the purposes of voting;
- SB 75 requires an indication of United States citizenship status on a motor vehicle operator’s license or permit, and on a nondriver identification card;
- SB 89 repeals the requirement that judicial officers be listed on a separate nonpolitical ballot;
- SB 91 revises the requirements for a petition to initiate a measure or constitutional amendment or to refer a law;
- SB 92 requires that the director of the Legislative Research Council and the secretary of state review an initiated measure and determine if the measure embraces more than one subject;
- SB 106 requires an individual be registered as a voter of this state before being eligible to be a petition sponsor for a ballot measure;
- SB 164 prohibits the use of a deepfake to influence an election and provides a penalty therefor;
- SB 173 revises the process by which a recount may be requested;
- SB 185 amends provisions pertaining to the process by which the qualifications of a registered voter are verified;
- HB 1062 amends provisions pertaining to the maintenance and publication of the statewide voter registration file;
- HB 1066 revises residency requirements for the purposes of voter registration;
- HB 1126 modifies provisions pertaining to the compensation of a recount board;
- HB 1127 requires that notice of a county’s canvass, post-election audit, and testing of automatic tabulating equipment be posted to the secretary of state’s website;
- HB 1130 provides permissible dates for municipal and school district elections;
- HB 1164 revises the process for nominating candidates for lieutenant governor;
- HB 1184 amends the deadline for filing a petition to initiate a measure or constitutional amendment;
- HB 1208 designates an individual using the address of a mail forwarding service or post office box when applying to register as a voter or vote by absentee ballot as a federal voter;
- HB 1256 requires the inclusion of certain information on a candidate’s nominating petition or on a ballot question petition; and
- HB 1264 requires the disclosure of an outstanding loan balance on a campaign finance disclosure report.
You can find photos of Governor Rhoden signingSB 73,HB 1062, and HB 1208 in signing ceremonies at the Capitol.
Governor Rhoden has signed 177 bills and VETOED two this legislative session.
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