Study shows healthy foods could limit Alzheimer’s disease


SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(Press Release)- It is never too early or too late to take charge of your brain health. Growing evidence shows that modifying certain risk factors and promoting healthy behaviors can reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s and other dementia by up to 40%. “March is National Nutrition Month, so what better time to take a look at our eating habits and see if there are changes we can make to reduce our risk,” said Leslie Morrow, State Executive Director of the South Dakota Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association.

Nourish your body with healthier snacks and meals that you enjoy. Some simple changes you can make today include loading up on:

  • Vegetables
  • Leaner meats and proteins
  • Foods that are less processed and lower in fat

Eating right is just one way you can reduce your risk for cognitive decline. Maintaining a healthy weight, managing diabetes and high blood pressure are also important. Get more healthy habits for your brain at

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