ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- On Sunday, around 4 p.m. the Aberdeen Police Department was called to assist in locating an individual for a welfare check. Additionally, it was reported that the person was highly intoxicated and driving a vehicle.
A short time after receiving the initial report, APD Officers located the vehicle near the intersection of N. Hwy 281 and 5th Ave NW. Initially, the vehicle came to a brief stop, and the officer asked the individual to exit the vehicle. The driver refused and drove off in a north direction in the southbound lane of N. Hwy 281.
As the car continued to travel in the wrong direction in the southbound lane, the car narrowly missed colliding with other cars on the road. Officers pursued the car to the intersection of 24th Ave NW and N 5th St., where officers deployed spike strips to stop the car. The spikes were effective and ultimately the car came to a stop. The driver was arrested for DUI, Reckless Driving, Eluding, and Obstructing LEO.
Aberdeen Fire Rescue also responded to the call.
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