South Dakota Senate passes HB1052(No Eminent Domain for CO2 Pipeline)

PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The South Dakota Senate debated HB1052 on the floor on Tuesday.  The bill would prohibit the exercise of eminent domain for a pipeline that carries carbon oxide.

Prime sponsor of the bill on the Senate side was Senator Mark Lapka of Leola who in the State Affairs Committee talked about what the bill would and would not do.  He repeated that on the floor and added why the bill was needed.

Senator David Wheeler of Huron attempted to add an amendment to the bill to address the issues of easements needed before eminent domain can be used.

Wheeler talks about why the amendment was needed.

Supporting the amendment was Senator Casey Crabtree of Madison.

Opposing the amendment was Senator Mykala Voita of Bonesteel who compared this to the 2nd Amendment rights in the U.S. Constitution.

Senator Carl Perry of Aberdeen also opposed the amendment.

the amendment was defeated on a 21-14 vote.

Moving on to the bill itself, Senator Lauren Nelson of Yankton spoke in favor of the bill and talked about the message delivered by the voters in 2024.

Senator Randy Deibert of Spearfish opposed the bill and believes this bill addressing eminent domain is the first time discussed in over two years.

Senator Carl Perry spoke in favor of the bill.

The bill passed out of the Senate on a 23-12 vote and now moves on to the Governor’s desk.

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