Brown County Commission hear about potential new 4-H building at the fairgrounds


ABERDEEN, S.D,(HubCityRadio)- The Brown County Commission heard from 4-H Advisor Becca Tullar about the potential for a new building to be located at the Brown County Fairgrounds.

Tullar talks about how the process came about.

Tullar talks about what the new 4-H building would be used for.

Tullar talks about the potential timeline and cost for the building.

Brown County Fair Manager Rachel Kippley discuss the need for this new building.

Commissioner Mike Gage offered a motion to help the funding for the building from the Commission.

The Commission approved Commissioner Gage’s motion on a 5-0 vote.

The post Brown County Commission hear about potential new 4-H building at the fairgrounds appeared first on Hub City Radio.

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