Update on layout for new county jail in Watertown


WATERTOWN, S.D.(KWAT)–Codington County Sheriff Brad Howell says stakeholders in the construction of a new county jail continue meeting weekly or bi-weekly to discuss the layout of a new county jail.

Voters approved a $29.6 million bond issue in November to build a new lockup facility consisting of around 110 beds.

Howell says talks lately have involved architects discussing the layout of the new jail.

“We want to make sure juveniles are sight and sound separate (from the rest of the inmate population), that the whole building flows well, and meets the needs of Codington County.”

Howell says contractors could begin bidding on construction work this spring.

The new jail will be built on county-owned land on West Highway 212, directly south of Watertown Regional Airport.

It’ll open in late 2026 or early 2027.

The post Update on layout for new county jail in Watertown appeared first on Hub City Radio.

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