Gov. Rhoden appoints Tim Czmowski to District 6 House seat


PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release)-  On Thursday, Governor Larry Rhoden announced the appointment of Tim Czmowski to the open House seat for District 6, which includes portions of Lincoln County.

“It is my honor to appoint Tim Czmowski,” said Governor Larry Rhoden. “He will bring a servant heart, creativity, and a strong work ethic to this role.”

Tim Czmowski graduated from South Dakota State University and was named a Distinguished Alumnus in 2023. He served in the South Dakota Army National Guard for 10 years and was recognized as the “Battalion Soldier of the Year” in 1986.

Czmowski has over 40 years of experience in the cheese industry. He currently serves as the Assistant Chief Judge of the United States and World Cheese Contests and the President and Technical Consultant at CheeseWorld, LLC. Czmowski also served as the Chairman of the Grant County (SD) Republican Party from 1998 to 2004.

Czmowski is a graduate of Webster High School with connections to the Milbank area.

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