House Education Committee passes HB1201(Counselors Disclosure Bill)


PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The House Education Committee on Monday discuss HB1201.  The bill would establish requirements for school employees regarding gender ideology.

Prime sponsor of the bill was Representative Logan Manhart of Aberdeen.

Manhart focus is that employees should report to parents regarding gender issues.

Speaking in favor of the bill was State Senator Amber Hulse of Hot Springs who discussed an amendment she put into the bill.

Opposing the bill was Lincoln Elementarty Counselor Ashley Seeklander who told the committee the requirements needed to be a counselor.

Seeklander discuss the responsibility of a counselor to the parents.

Also opposing was Rebecca Christianson of Aberdeen who has two children attending public schools in Aberdeen.

She feels it’s the parents’ responsibility to know what is happening with their students in school.

Christianson inform the committee that gender issues has never been brought up at her household.

The bill passed on 8-7 vote and now moves to the South Dakota House floor.

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