House Commerce & Energy Committee defer HB1070 to the 41st day


PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- In the House Commerce & Energy Committee, the legislators discussed HB1070.

HB1070 prohibit cost-sharing in certain health insurance policies for diagnostic and supplemental breast imaging examinations.

Prime sponsor was Representative Brandei Schaefbuaer of Aberdeen.

Schaefbauer shared her own personal experience dealing with breast cancer starting in 2017.

Schaefbauer discuss what happened to her in 2019.

Deb Fischer Clemens with Presentation Sisters discuss the importance of parity.

Among those opposed into lobbyists representing the insurance industry.

Melissa Klemann with Wellmark Blue Cross & Blue Shield talks about how mandates impact health insurance.

Blake Severyn with Independence Insurance Agents of South Dakota opposed the bill for two reasons.  The first one dealing with premiums and how this mandate could impact it.

Severyn states the other reason dealing with solutions that may not involve legislative process.

Representative Schaefbauer responded to those claims.

The bill was defeated on a 11-2 vote and defered to the 41st day on a 10-2 vote.

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