Milbank man arrested for burglary in Watertown


WATERTOWN, S.D.(KWAT)–Police have announced an arrest in a burglary that dates back to early November at Watertown’s National Guard Readiness Center along Highway 20.

Police were called there November 8th and found forced entry and intentional damage to property in two buildings.

Watertown police, in partnership with National Guard personnel, determined more than $52,000 damage was caused and more than $8,000 worth of property had been stolen.

Watertown Police Captain Steve Rehorst says over the next several weeks, authorities identified Kyle Miles-O’Farrell of Milbank as their suspect.

This week, investigators with South Dakota DCI executed a search warrant and issued an arrest warrant for O’Farrell.

More than $4,000 worth of property was recovered.

Miles-O’Farrell is charged with First Degree Burglary, Grand Theft and Intentional Damage to Property.

He’s being held in the Codington County Detention Center on $25,000 cash bond.

Watertown and Milbank police, South Dakota DCI and National Guard personnel were all involved in the investigation.

The post Milbank man arrested for burglary in Watertown appeared first on Hub City Radio.

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