Spink County landowner Ed Fischbach reflect on the passage of HB1052


ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Monday, The South Dakota House approved HB1052(No eminent domain for carbon oxide pipeline) on a 49-19 vote.

Spink County landowner Ed Fischbach was surprised to see that result.

Fischbach compared the atmosphere in Pierre this year to that of the last two years in the legislature.

Summit Carbon Solution’s lawyer in the committee dealing with the bill commented on how they use eminent domain for negotiations.  Fischbach felt this help persuade some of the votes in the South Dakota House.

The bill now moves on to the South Dakota Senate.  Fischbach talks about how the chamber may react to the bill.

Governor Larry Rhoden became the new governor in the state following the resignation of Secretary Kristi Noem.  Fischbach was asked about how Rhoden is compared to Noem on the issue of eminent domain.

Fischbach also commented on the stance of President Trump on the issue of carbon sequestration.

The bill could be heard in a Senate committee later this week.

The post Spink County landowner Ed Fischbach reflect on the passage of HB1052 appeared first on Hub City Radio.

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