South Dakota House passes HB1052


ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The South Dakota House on Monday debated HB1052 which dealt with not using eminent domain for carbon dioxide.

The bill’s main sponsor in the House is Representative Karla Lems of Canton.

Other supporters speaking on floor include the following:

Representative Brandei Schaefbauer of Aberdeen address the constitutional impact of the bill.

Representative Lana Greenfield of Doland questions the business tactics of Summit Carbon Solutions.

Representative Julie Auch of Yankton discuss trying to avoid playing favoritism in the state.

Speakers also took time to oppose this bill.

Representative Mike Derby of Rapid City told legislators in the chamber that among those supporting carbon sequestration include President Donald Trump.

Representative Mike Stevens of Yankton has issues with statement involving eminent domain only being used for private gain.

Representative William Shorman of Dakota Dunes questions the purpose of the bill after the South Dakota Supreme Court determined that CO2 is not a commodity.

Representative Tim Reisch of Howard used to time to ask if the bill passes whether the statement South Dakota for Business should still apply.

Representative Al Novstrup combat claims that President Trump is favor of carbon sequestration.

The South Dakota House voted in favor of HB1052 on a 49-19 vote and now sends the bill to the South Dakota Senate.


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