Proponent of IM29 goes after their opponent & the media in press conference Wednesday


SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- At a press conference held Wednesday in Sioux Falls, Matthew Schweich, founder of South Dakota for Better Marijuana Laws, went after his opponent(Protecting SD Kids) for misleading ad aimed to defeat IM29 which would legalize recreational marijuana.

Schweich believes Protecting SD Kids crossed the line in conducting an ad stating the measure would legalize not just marijuana but other drugs as well.

Schweich also offered a warning to television media if they choose to run this ad on their stations.

Schweich believes what Protecting SD Kids has been doing is a continued trend of misleading the public with their information.

Protecting SD Kids will be holding a forum in Aberdeen on Thursday at 1:15pm at the K.O.Lee Public Library.

Among those scheduled to speak are President of Protecting SD Kids, Jim Kinyon, retired drug enforcement officer Ed Moses, and District 3 Representative Brandei Schaefbauer.

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