Lyman school JAG instructor earns national recognition from the American Legion


LYMAN, S.D.(DRGNews)- An educator from the Lyman School District has been named the 2024 American Legion National Educator of the Year.

School District Superintendent Chris Long says Jobs for America’s Graduates – or JAG– program Coordinator Chad Johnson has been selected to receive the award. The recognition is for individuals or organizations that have played a significant role in shaping the lives of students during their teaching career or advance the field of education overall.

Individuals that are recipients of the National Education Award will be recognized at the American Legion National Convention in New Orleans in August (Aug. 24-29, 2024). The recognition has been presented by the American Legion Committee on Youth Education since 1980. Past recipients of the Award include Tom Brokaw, Barbara Bush and Laura Bush, just to name a few.

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