Recap of District 1 House Debate


ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The League of Women Voters and the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce hosted the District 1 House Debate at the K.O. Lee Library on Saturday.  The candidates were the incumbent Tamara St John of Sisseton, & challengers, Logan Manhart of Bath, & Chris Reder of Warner.

Each candidates were asked about their top priorities for District 1.

Representative St. John:

Logan Manhart:

Chris Reder:

Each candidate was asked about the issue state funding for child daycare.  All three were opposed but did offer some solutions to try to help in rural communities.

Representative St. John:

Logan Manhart:

Chris Reder:

The candidates were asked about how to improve the criminal justice system in South Dakota.

Representative St. John:

Logan Manhart:

Chris Reder:

The candidates were asked about whether the state should fund for students that wants to go to either private schools or be homeschooled.  There was some difference of opinion on this.

Representative St. John:

Logan Manhart:

Chris Reder:

The candidates were asked about the convention process and there was a difference of opinion of this one.

Representative St. John:

Logan Manhart:

Chris Reder:

Primary elections are on Tuesday, June 4th.  Early voting is now underway.

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