ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Saturday, the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce hosted their second Cracker Barrel of the legislative session at NSU. All three members of District 23 attended. They are Senator Bryan Breitling & Representative J.D. Wangness of Miller & Representative Scott Moore of Ipswich.
Senator Bryan Breitling:
Breitling discuss his stance on the issue of eminent domain for private gain.
Breitling talks about what the impact of the repeal of the grocery tax could have future budgets.
Breitling talks about medical marijuana that was voted by the people of South Dakota in 2020.
Representative J.D. Wangness:
Wangsness discuss HB1231 that he’s a prime sponsor that deals with foreign adversaries buying land in South Dakota.
Wangsness next talk about HB1198 that would have allowed voters to choose Secretary of State & Attorney General in the primaries.
Wangsness talks about a pipeline bill(HB1185) that passed the House floor and talked about the $500 that businesses would have to pay to go on the land.
Representative Scott Moore:
Moore talks about a bill(HB1048) that deals with teachers salaries.
Moore discuss HB1198 that he voted the opposite of Representative Wangsness which did not pass the House.
They return to session in Pierre on Monday.
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