South Dakota House passes two bills dealing with pipelines


ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The South Dakota House Thursday debated two pipeline related bills on the floor.

HB1185 which deals with siting & surveying allowed on the properties without a permit & HB1186 that deals with terms of an easement landowners signed for.  Both related with the CO2 pipelines.  House Majority Leader Will Mortenson of Fort Pierre was the prime sponsor of both bills.

Mortenson talks about what motivated him to work on HB1185.

Mortenson explains what HB1185 does.

Mortenson talks about companies having to compensate landowners in the amount of $500 to be allow to survey without a permit.

Among those opposed to the bill was Representative Jon Hansen of Madison who feel this violate landowner’s rights.

Representative Brandei Schaefbauer of Aberdeen also opposed it because the $500 compensation was not enough and shared what happened at Jared Bossly’s property last summer.

The bill was passed on a 47-17 vote.

Mortenson moved on to HB1186 and explains what that bill does.

Among those opposed was Representative Scott Odenbach of Spearfish.

Another person speaking against it was Representative Marty Overweg who feels the government shouldn’t be allow to talk what the value the land that owners have.

Representative Drew Peterson of Salem, who’s a big supporter of the carbon sequestration project explains his support of the bill.

Representative Carl Perry of Aberdeen reminds the body that the committee he’s on(House Commerce & Energy) recommended passage of this bill.

The bill passed on a 40-24 vote.  Both bills move on to the South Dakota Senate.

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